Hugh Low
Engraved on stone, in
the Malay character, by the order of the Sultan Mahomed Tej-Waldin, in the year
a.h. 1221 (a.d. 1804), and now standing on the tomb of his son the Sultan
Mahomed Jemal-ul-Alam in the " Makam Damit,'' situated at the southern
foot of Bukit Panggal in the City of Bruni
" the abode of
[ Copied on the 1st
of June, 1873. ]
![]() |
Batu Trasilah |
is the genealogy of the Rajas who ruled over the country of Bruni, as set forth
by Datoh Imaum Yakub. He heard it from the Merhoum Bougsu, who is called Sultan
Muaddin and His Highness Sultan Kemal-Addin. These two Rajas ordered a record
to be written of their forefathers, in order that it might be known by all
their descendants up to the present time. God knows if this is so (Wallahu Ahlum—an
expression used by Mahomedans to defend themselves from the sin of writing down
or stating a fact which may not happen to be correct).
Sultan Mahomed Tej-Waldin ordered Tuan Haji Khatib Abdul Latif to write this genealogy
for the information of all his descendants who might possess the throne and
crown of royalty in the country and provinces of Bruni, the abode of peace ;
who in their generations might take the inheritance of the royal drums and
bells [an emblem] of the country of Johor, the seat of Government ; and who
might further take as their birthright the royal drums and bells [an emblem] of
Menang-kerbau, i. e., the country Andalas.
he who first ruled the country and introduced the religion of Islam and
followed the laws of our prophet Mahomed (the blessed of God, on whom be
peace), was His Highness Sultan Mahomed and his brother Sultan Akhmed : now he
begat a daughter by his wife, the sister of the Chinese Raja, whom he had taken
from China Batangan that was the princess who was taken to wife by Sheriff Ali,
who came down from the country of Taif Moreover that Sheriff Ali became Raja
under the name of His Highness Sultan Berkat : it was he who enforced the
observance of the laws of the messenger of God (blessed of God on whom be
peace), and erected a mosque, and all his Chinese subjects built the stone
fort; that Sheriff Ali was ascended from
the Amir of the Faithful HASAN the
grandson of the messenger of God.
His Highness Sultan Berkat begat His Highness Sultan Suleiman, and Suleiman
begat His Highness Sultan Bulkeiah, the Raja who conquered the country of Soolook
and the country of Seludong, (The name
of the city now called Manila) the name of the Raja of which was Datoh
Gambang : and Sultan Bulkeiah begat His Highness Sultan Abdul Kahar who was
named Merhoum Kramat [Saint], and he begat His Highness Sultan Saiful- Rejal,
who begat His Highness Sultan Shah Bruni.
him his brother reigned, His Highness Sultan Hasan, he who was called the
Merhoum di Tanjong [of the cape], of the children and grandchildren of His
Highness those succeeded to the throne in Bruni who were of the best character.
It was Sultan Hasan who upon the throne of his kingdom strictly followed the
rule of Sultan Mahkota Alam of the country of Achin, and it was that Sultan Hasan
who begat Sultan Abdul Jalil-ul-Akbar, who was called the Merhoum Tuah [old].
begat Sultan Abdul Jalil-ul-Jebar, who begat the Prince Bendahara Untong, who
begat the Prince Temenggong Mumin Amir-ul-Rethar, also of the country of Bruni.
Afterwards the brother of Merhoum Tuah was invested with the royalty and named
His Highness Sultan Mahomet Ali ; he was the great grandfather of His Highness
Sultan Mahomed Ali-Uddin, who is now reigning in the country of Bruni.
that king died, and after a time his brother's son reigned under the name oil
His Highness Sultan Muaddin: after him his nephew reigned. His Highness Sultan
Nasr-Addin, and after him his son ruled, Sultan Mahomet Ali, under the name of
His Highness Kemal- Addin, and he gave the sovereignty to the grandson of his brother,
who is reigning at this time under the name of His Highness Sultan Mohamed Ali-uddin.
His son afterwards succeeded, named His
Omar Ali Saif-uddin and next he gave the kingdom to his son, His Highness
Sultan Mahomed Tej-Waldin. After him he gave the kingdom to his son His
Highness Sultan Mahomed Jemal-ul-Alam.
that prince was dead the kingdom reverted to His Highness' royal father Sultan Mahomed
Tej-Waldin. God knows if it is so. After that I [the writer] do not know all
his descendants who will become Rajas. In the year of the prophet (blessed of
God on whom be peace) one thousand two
hundred and twenty-one in the year Dal on the 2nd day of the month Thul-hajah
on the day Arbaa Sanat, [Wednesday] 1221.
" Inilah Selesilah Raja Raja yang karajaan
di negri Bruni diniatakan uleh Datoh Imaum Yakub iya mendungar deripada Merhoum
Bongsu yang bernama Sultan Muaddin, dan Paduka Maolana Sultan Kemal-Addin Ka
dua Raja itu meniurot meniuratkan datoh nini moyangnia Sepaya dikatahui uleh
segala anak chuchunia sampei sekarang ini Wallahu Ahlum",
"Maka Sri Sultan Mahomed Tej-Waldin
menitahkan pada tuan Haji Khatib Abdul Latif meniuratkan Selesilah ini sepaya dikatahui
segala anak chuchunia Raja yang mempuniai takhta mahkota karajaan dalam kandang
dairah negri Bruni daruselam yang turun tamurun yang mengambil pusakaan nobat
nagara dan gunta alamat deri negri Johor Kamal-ul-Makam dan mengambil lagi
pusaka nobat nagara gunta alamat deri Menangkerbau itu negri Andalas.
Maka adaI ah yang pertama karajaan di negri
dan membawa egama, Islam dan mengikut Shariat nabi kita Mahomed Sallallahu Allaihi
Wasallum, iya itu paduka Sri Sultan Mahomed dan Sudarania Sultan Ahmed maka
beranak seorang perampuan dungan istrinia sudara Raja China yang diambil deri pada
China Batangan putri itulah yang di ambil uleh Sheriff Ali yang turun deri negri Taif.
Maka Sheriff Ali itulah Karajaan di nama-i
akan diya Paduka Sri Sultan Berkat iyalah yang mengraskan Shariat Rasul Sallallahu
Allaihi Wasallum dan berbuat musjid dan segala ryto China berbuat Kota Batu tuan
Sheriff Ali itu panchir Selesilah deripada Amir Al Muminin Hassan chuchu Rasul
Maka paduka Sri Sultan Berkat itu beranakkan
paduka Sri Sultan Suleiman, dan Suleiman beranakkan Sri Sultan Bulkeiah raja
yang mengalahkan negri Soolook dan mengalahkan negri Seludong nama Rajania
Datoh Gamban, dan Sultan Bulkeiah beranakkan paduka Sri Sultan Abdul Kahar yang
dinama-i Merhoum Kramat beranakkan paduka Sri Sultan Saif-ul-Rejal beranakkan
paduka Sri Sultan Shah Bruni : kumdian sudarania pula karajaan paduka Sri Sultan
Hasan iyalah Merhoum di Tanjong.
Maka anak chuchu baginda itulah mengambil
karajaan dalam negri Bruni ini mana yang baik becharania Sultan Hasan itulah
yang kras diatas takhta karajaannia mengikut prentah Sultan Mahkota Alam yang
di negri Achin, dan Sultan Hasan itu yang beranakkan Sultan Abdul Jalil-ul- Akbar
yang dinama-i Merhoum Tuah beranakkan Sri Sultan Abdul Jalil-ul-Akbar
beranakkan pengiran Bendahara Untong beranakkan pengiran Temenggong Mumin
Amir-ul-Rethar dalam negri Bruni juga.
Kumdian Sudarania Merhoum Tuah di nobatkan
karajaan bernama paduka Sri Sultan Mahomet Ali iyalah ninek paduka Sri Sultan
Mahomed Ali-Uddin yang karajaan sekarang ini di negri Bruni."
Maka wafallah baginda itu maka kumdian
karajaan pula anak sudarania bernama paduka Sri Sultan Muaddin kumdian karajaan
anak sudarania paduka Sri Sultan Nasr-Addin, kumdian karajaan anak Sultan
Mahomet Ali bernama paduka Sri Sultan Kemal-Addin iyalah niembrikan karajaannia
kapada anak chuchu sudarania iyala karajaan pada masa ini bernama paduka Sri
Sultan Mohamed Ali-uddin kumdian di rajakan pula anaknia paduka Sri Sultan Omar
Ali Saif-uddin kumdian dibrikan pula karajaannia itu kapada anaknia paduka Sri
Sultan Mahomed Tej-Waldin kumdian di brikan pula karajaannia itu kapada anaknia
paduka Sri Sultan Mahomed Jemal-ul-ALAM.
Maka telah wafallah baginda itu maka kembali
pula karajaannia itu kapada ayahanda baginda itu paduka Sri Sultan Mahomed Tej-Waldin
Wallahu Ahlum. kumdian deri itu tiadalah hamba mengtahui akan segala anak chuchunia
yang akan jadi Raja pada hejrat nabi Sallallalni Aiiaihi Wasallum seribu dua ratoos
dua puloh satu pada tahun Dal pada dua hari bulan Thul hajah pada hari Arbaa
Sanat, 1221".
Source : Royal Asiatic Society (Journal Straits Branch)
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